If you could hop on a plane to anywhere where would you go? I love that question. I am often asked where my dream destination is or the favorite place I’ve visited. I love traveling so much that it is difficult to say. Today, if I could hop on a plane I would head to Hawaii.
To make your travel dreams come true, enter to win a $200 gift card to Alaska Airlines to put towards your next trip.
Prize: $200 Alaska Airlines Gift Card
Co-hosts: Mommyhood Mentor® // Mama’s Mission // Surviving Mommy // Crayons & Cravings // Coupons and Freebies Mom // Jenns Blah Blah Blog // Capri’s Coupons // Lipgloss and Crayons // Ottawa Mommy Club // Java John Z’s // Show me Ashley // Made In A Pinch // Misadventures with Andi // Mahogany Closet // Heartbeats ~ Soul Stains // The Frugal Free Gal // Kathryn Anywhere // Mommies with Cents // Ditch the Heels // Sparkles and Shoes // Angie’s Angle // Mom and More // Improve Your Mental Health // Simply Sherryl // Southern Mommas // Deliciously Savvy // Beautiful Touches // Living Simply // Oh, The Places We Travel! // MommaDJane // Pumps & Push-Ups // SWEETHAUTE
Giveaway organized by: Oh My Gosh Beck!
Rules: Use the Rafflecopter form to enter daily. Giveaway ends 9/12 and is open worldwide. Winner will be notified via email.