Planning a trip is exciting, fun and absolutely critical to deciding whether you have a great trip or just a good one. There are so many mistakes that can be made at this hugely important time in your trip, from overpaying for flights and accommodation to thinking you will be able to do more than you actually can when you arrive at your destination. But how do you avoid making them, and what are the pitfalls you need to keep an eye out for? Here is a list of the three worst mistakes people make when planning a trip.
1. Not comparing prices
With so many online tools available to help holidaymakers compare prices, it’s hard to believe that some people don’t do themselves a huge favour and make the most of them. The likes of Skyscanner and Kayak can show you different airlines offering flights on your route and on your selected dates. You will also get the same service when it comes to your accommodation – so make the most of this service and get the best possible deal for you and your party.
2. Assuming prices will stay the same on hotels and flights
Comparing prices is one thing, but understanding how and when they fluctuate is something completely different. With some hotel chains, you can book in advance and continue to check as you get closer to the date of your stay. Sometimes the price will drop right before you arrive because the hotel realises they could be left with empty rooms during the dates you are interested in. If this happens, call the hotel and check if you can switch to the lower rate. It is also worth checking if the same happens with your flights. The likes of can keep an eye on your reservations for you and prompt you to rebook when the price has reached the lowest point it will go. Make the most of this kind of assistance – it could save you thousands over the course of a trip.
3. Forgetting to arrange travel insurance
Sometimes it can be tempting to think it is worth saving a bit of money by not booking travel insurance. You didn’t need to use it the last time you travelled, so perhaps you won’t this time, you may think. But not booking travel insurance is perhaps the single biggest mistake travellers make when they are planning their trip. The reality of falling unwell overseas, missing your flight, or having your belongings and possessions stolen is awful. Not having any help on the phone or any way of being able to reclaim up to $15,000 towards lost luggage is not pleasant. Anyone who has ever been in that position would not countenance repeating the experience again. It only takes 20 minutes to book online these days, and you don’t even need to print out the confirmation. Just keep the information on your smartphone, and hope you never need it. But the statistics suggest that many people do need insurance every single year – and if you ever find yourself in that position, we hope you have taken our advice!